We are the Mojave Desert & Mountain
Recycling Authority

The Mojave Desert and Mountain Recycling Authority (Authority) is a joint powers authority organized under California Government Code Section 6500. Comprised of nine members, we share the authority to plan and implement recycling, composting, reuse and zero waste programs in the High Desert and Mountain area of San Bernardino County.

The Authority is comprised of representatives from Adelanto, Apple Valley, Barstow, Big Bear Lake, Needles, San Bernardino County, Twentynine Palms, Victorville, and Yucca Valley. Learn more about the Authority.

Victor Valley Materials Recovery Facility Tip Fee Analysis

This document provides a detailed fee analysis for the Mojave Desert & Mountain Recycling Authority, outlining the costs and financial structure of recycling services as of October 2023.


Learn what type of items are recyclable curbside or at a local drop-off center, how to properly prepare material for recycling, and why it’s so important. 

Mixed Recyclables Examples

Which of These Items Are Recyclable?

Cardboard Box Example for Recycling
one metal can
Examples of Mail for Recycling
A plastic yogurt cup
A glass beer bottle



Get tips on backyard composting and how curbside collection of organics recycling (or compost) is being introduced to our communities. 

Compost material Examples

Recycling News

10 Tips To Stay Waste-Free at Work

It’s tough to keep your environmental impact to a minimum while you’re away from home…. The post 10 Tips To Stay Waste-Free at Work appeared

Recycling Mystery: Memory Foam

Few things can refresh your body like a good night’s sleep, and few products have… The post Recycling Mystery: Memory Foam appeared first on Earth911.

Want more? You’ll find a full archive of news articles on our Recycling News page.

High Desert Area Recycling Programs

Many of our communities offer convenient curbside collection of trash, recycling, and organics. There are also drop-off locations throughout San Bernardino County.

Board Agendas

The Authority board meetings are held quarterly on the second Thursday of February, May, August and November. You can download agendas from our most recent meetings below. 

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