Let’s make reducing, reusing, and recycling part of your family’s lifestyle.

Recycling at Home

Let’s make reducing, reusing, and recycling part of your family’s lifestyle.


This video explains what you can recycle in your curbside recycling bin in the San Bernardino County Desert and Mountain communities. 

Recyclables Accepted Curbside

There are four main categories of items that can be recycled in most curbside recycling programs or dropped off at a local recycling facility: Paper, Glass, Metal and Plastic. It’s important to follow your town or county’s recycling rules, check with your hauler to make sure you’re recycling right.

Paper and Cardboard

Recycling Tips

Paper and Cardboard

Glass Bottles & Jars

Recycling Tips

Glass Containers for Recycling

Metal & Aluminum Cans and Trays 

Recycling Tips

  • Clean, dry, and free of food waste
  • Aerosol cans must be empty of pressure and product
Metal Cans for Recycling

Plastic Bottles & Containers

Recycling Tips

Image: Recyclable plastic bottles, jugs, and tubs

Recycling Posters

Download a handy printable flyer and post it on your refrigerator or near your recycling bins to remind everyone about what belongs there.

To see more printable posters and flyers, visit our Posters page.

Recyclables Not Accepted Curbside

Below are items that can (and should) be recycled, but are not accepted in most curbside recycling programs, therefore you will need to make special arrangements for proper recycling.

Curbside Recycling Tips

  • Empty all cans and bottles.
  • Place your recycling container out in the street, with the wheels up against the curb by 6 a.m. of the collection day. Place the container at least two feet away from your trash bin or any other obstructions like fire hydrants or cars.
  • Soiled or wet paper belongs in the trash container.
  • Keep the recycling loose in the container, not bagged.
  • Make sure you’re following the rules of your curbside recycling service.

Residential Recycling Is As Easy As 1 2 3


It’s extremely important that we keep our recycling streams free of contaminants (things that don’t belong there). See the “What To Recycle” for guidelines about what material belongs in recycling.

Mixed Recyclables Examples


Make recycling in your household easy and convenient. Put a recycling bin in any location you might need it so it’s always on hand. Put one in your kitchen next to your trash can, one where you sort your mail, one in your office… You get the picture. Make it easy!

Your recycling bin can be a plastic basket, or box, a wicker basket or even a plain old recyclable paper bag.


When you have something to recycle, drop it into a recycling bin. When the bin gets full, empty it into your curbside recycling container or take it to the nearest community drop-off location.

Blue Recycle Bin Out for Collection

Why Recycle?

Recycling Helps the Environment
Icon of Earth in a hand

When you recycle you conserve valuable natural resources. Using recycled materials to make new products saves energy and reduces the amount of air and water emissions produced during the manufacture of new products. Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to virgin materials production.

Icon of sun and mountains

We live in a unique and delicate ecosystem that is continuously threatened by human impacts. Returning high-quality recycling to redemption centers reduces litter in public places and helps keep our environment healthy and beautiful.

Trash Bag

Californian’s throw away about 5 pounds of trash per day. Proper recycling keeps valuable material out of the garbage stream and lowers the amount of waste sent to landfills. We all benefit from slowing the growth of landfills and conserving that limited space.

Icon of 3 people

Recycled materials make up a significant and growing portion of our nation’s resource base. By recycling, you provide industry with the raw materials it needs to make new products. This, in turn, supports business and jobs. Recycling creates at least 10 jobs for every one created by sending the same amount to landfills.

You’ve probably heard of the classic 4 Rs—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot—but the list doesn’t stop there. More R’s mean more ways to cut down on waste and make a positive impact. From Rethink (Do I need this?) to Repair (Can I fix it?) and Repurpose (How else can this be used?), each R is a step toward creating less waste. Consider making choices that align with these principles, like buying less, giving second life to things through repair, and passing items along by donating or reselling. Together, these steps add up to a cleaner, greener communit


Reducing is simply about creating less waste in the first place. Conscientiously purchasing less is a powerful tool in combating waste and reducing your overall environmental impact. 

Before you buy, consider if you really need that new item. Could you borrow one? Could you use something you already have? Is it something you’ll be able to use for a long time? Can you repair it if it breaks? Can you resell or donate it when you no longer need it?  


Keep manufacturer’s instructions on how to clean and maintain appliances, tools, and consumer electronics. User manuals may provide telephone numbers for technical assistance to help you with minor repairs.

Repair classes are offered through adult or continuing education programs on a wide range of subjects such as auto repair, bicycle maintenance and PC troubleshooting. Contact your local community colleges and adult education centers for courses offered.


Many items remain useful long after you replace or abandon them. Can you use the item for something else? Can you upcycle it?

Even if you can’t use it, consider donating or selling usable items rather than tossing them into your recycling container or trashing them in a landfill.


We love recycling! But we want to reduce the amount of material that makes it to the recycling stage.

If you’ve exhausted the three previous options, then recycling is your best choice. Just make sure that the item you’re considering is made of recyclable materials. You may need to break it apart to separate the recyclable material.

How Recycling Works

Recycling is circular. A material is manufactured into a product which goes to a store, where you buy it. You use the product — and hopefully reuse it— then put it in your recycling cart. From there it is collected and taking to a processing plant where it turned back into base materials which a manufacturer uses to create something new. And the cycle starts again.

Graphic depicting the circular recycling loop

Where Does Our Recycling Go?

Materials Recovery Facility

The MRF (pronounced “mirf”) is an intermediate processing center— sorting mixed recyclables into separate categories: newspaper, cardboard, other mixed papers, glass, steel cans, aluminum cans, PET plastics, HDPE plastics, and more. Once the recyclables are sorted (and compacted into bales), they are then ready to be shipped to businesses to be made into new products.

Victor Valley Materials Recovery Facility 

Most communities in the High Desert and Mountain area are served by the Victor Valley Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

The MRF is the “middleman” between residents who separate recyclables, and the industries which use recyclable materials to make new products.

The MRF is owned by the Town of Apple Valley and City of Victorville; administered by the Mojave Desert and Mountain Recycling Authority; and operated by Burrtec Waste Industries.

Victor Valley Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

17000 Abbey Lane, Victorville, CA


Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm

Saturdays 8am – 12pm

Phone: (760) 241-1284


Get the Victory Valley MRF Guide

This guide introduces you to the MRF and how recycling materials are processed at the facility.

Take a Virtual Tour of the Victor Valley MRF


Recycling Drop-Off Center

Recycle Alley is a community drop-off site open to all residents and businesses of the High Desert.

Visit Recycle Alley before you go to the landfill!

Recycle Alley is a community drop-off site at the Victor Valley Materials Recovery Facility. You can bring clothes, plastic bags, electronics and scrap metal as well as traditional recyclables (bottles and cans, paper, rigid plastic). Check out the buy-back pricing for bottles and cans, newspaper and cardboard.

By recycling these items at the MRF, residents and businesses reduce the amount of trash going to the landfill. This helps reduce landfill disposal costs and saves valuable resources.

Free Drop-Off Items

  • TVs,Computers,Electronics
  • Appliances
  • Mattress & Box Springs**
  • All Scrap Metal— except car parts
  • All clean, dry Papers
  • Cardboard* & Newspaper*
  • Glass Bottles & Jars
  • Mixed Plastic
  • CRVs*
  • Clothing & Shoes

Buy Back Redeemable Items

  • CRV Aluminum*
  • CRV Glass*
  • CRV PET Plastic*
  • CRV Water Jugs*
  • Newspaper*
  • Corrugated Cardboard*

Call for current pricing.
(760) 241-1284

*Indicates buy-back redeemable item
** Free to residents—fees apply for businesses

Recycle Alley

17000 Abbey Lane in Victorville

Just off Stoddard Wells Road heading north toward the Landfill.

Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm 
Phone: (760) 241-1284

Download the Recycle Alley flyer: English | Spanish

Recycle for Cash: California CRV

You pay a deposit every time you purchase eligible beverage containers, don’t you want that back? 

Every time you purchase an eligible beverage container from a retailer in California, you pay a nickel, dime or quarter deposit on that container. The California Redemption Value, or CRV, is the deposit return system that allows you to return those empty beverage containers to a recycling location to get back the deposit you paid.



Icon of a beverage can. Words say For all Beverages Less than 24oz. 5 cent CRV.
  • Glass
  • Aluminum
  • Plastic
  • Bimetal Containers
Icon of a beverage bottle. Words say For all Beverages More than 24oz. 10 cent CRV.
  • Glass
  • Aluminum
  • Plastic
  • Bimetal Containers
Icons of a beverage box, pouch, and carton. Words say Wine and Distilled Spirits 25 cents CRV.
  • Bag-in-Box
  • Multi-Layer Pouch
  • Paperback Carton
  • Plastic Pouch
What Type of Containers are Eligible

Glass, aluminum, bimetal and plastic containers including: 

  • Beer and Malt Beverages
  • Wine 
  • Liquor
  • Carbonated Fruit Drinks, Water, or Soft Drinks
  • Noncarbonated Fruit Drinks, Water, or Soft Drinks
  • Coffee and Tea Beverages
  • Fruit or Vegetable Juice
Pouches, Boxes & Cartons
  • Wine & Liquor Only
TIP:  To get the full refund value for your containers, they must be sorted and clean of contaminants. Make sure the containers are dry and clear of any food debris prior to returning them for CRV.
  • Milk
  • Medical Food
  • Instant Formula
  • Food and Non-Beverage Containers

If you have less than 50 containers of one type, your refund will be a nickel, dime, or quarter (depending on size and type) for each container. If you bring more than 50 containers of a particular type, your containers are weighed and converted for refund value.

You may bring up to 100 pounds of aluminum and plastic or 1,000 pounds of glass on a single visit to a Recycling Center.

Victor Valley residents can drop off CRV materials at the Victor Valley Recycling Drop-Off & Buy Back Center, open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m at 17000 Abbey Lane, Victorville. Call (760) 241-1284 for more info.

You can also visit the CalRecycle website to find a map showing over 1,200 Beverage Container Recycling Centers in California.

If you can’t find a nearby Recycling Center, try searching for retailers that redeem in-store. Thousands of grocery stores and other retailers statewide have pledged to accept empty beverage containers and provide deposit refunds. If your store is not included ask about their plans to redeem containers. Some stores have elected to pay a $100 daily fee to become exempt.

What if there isn’t a recycling redemption center near me?

  • Got curbside recycling service? Put containers in your curbside recycling bin for pickup.
  • Save your CRV containers and drop them off next time you’re traveling by a Recycling Center.
  • Get your community involved. Try reaching out to your neighbors to combine efforts. Gather containers, take turns delivering to a recycling center and share refunds.

Buy Recycled and Close the Loop

Let’s close the loop and put our purchasing power to work!

If you are sending your waste to be recycled, but you are not looking for recycled content in the products that you buy, then, in theory, you are not completing a cycle, and are not truly recycling.

CalRecycle provides the following directories that can help you source recycled content products:

  • Recycled-Content Product Manufacturers (RCPM)
    May include products of any business in any country that manufactures or produces with recycled material. This directory is intended to be used by all types of buyers: government, business, and consumers.
  • RecycleStore
    This database for consumers lists only products of businesses that are located in one of California’s Recycling Market Development Zones (RMDZ). The RMDZ program provides attractive loans, technical assistance, and free product marketing to businesses that use materials from the waste stream to manufacture their products and are located in a zone. The zones cover roughly 88,000 square miles of California from the Oregon border to San Diego.

Household Hazardous Wastes

HHW Grand Terrace Event 05.14.16 30 of 87 1536x1024 1

Proper Hazardous Waste Disposal

Household hazardous waste (HHW) is any chemical-based material discarded from homes which may threaten human health or the environment when disposed of improperly.

You might be surprised at the number of items in your house that are considered hazardous waste and require special disposal. It is important for the health and safety of our community that the items listed below are disposed of properly at a hazardous waste collection facility.

Household Hazardous Waste Items

  • household generated motor oil & oil filters
  • auto & household batteries
  • antifreeze
  • cooking oil
  • pesticides
  • fertilizers
  • paint products
  • chemical cleaners
  • pool supplies
  • personal medications (excluding controlled substances; must separate solid & liquids)

Where to Take Your Hazardous Waste

San Bernardino County residents may use any of the collection facilities in the areas listed below.

The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facilities in San Bernardino County are run by the San Bernardino County Fire Department.

Call 909.382.5401 or 1.800.OILY.CAT (645.9228) to verify operating hours prior to visiting a collection center.

Collection Facilities that only accept antifreeze, batteries, oil and oil filters, and (Latex) paint are called ABOP facilities and are noted as such.

Apple Valley

13450 Nomwaket Road, Apple Valley, CA 92308

Sat, 10–2

Also accepts e-waste & sharps


900 South Avenue H, Barstow, CA 92311

Sat, 9–2

Also accepts sharps

No e-waste

Big Bear Lake

42040 Garstin Drive, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Sat, 9–2

Also accepts sharps

Big River ABOP

150260 Capistrano Way

Call to verify, 909.382.5401

1st Saturday of the month, 8-12

ABOP facilities accept the following household items only:

  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries (automotive and household)
  • Oil & Oil Filters
  • Paint (latex only)


5050 Schaefer Avenue, Chino, CA 91710

2nd & 4th Sat, 8–1

Also accepts e-waste

No sharps

Havasu Lake ABOP

County Fire Station 18
148808 Havasu Lake Rd.

1st Saturday of the month, 8-12

ABOP facilities accept the following household items only:

  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries (automotive and household)
  • Oil & Oil Filters
  • Paint (latex only)


17443 Lemon St., Hesperia, CA 92345

Tue – Closed
Thur – 9am-1pm
Sat – 9am-2pm

Also accepts e-waste & sharps

Joshua Tree

62499 29 Palms Hwy, Joshua Tree, CA 92252

3rd Saturday, 9–1

Also accepts sharps

No e-waste

Lucerne Valley ABOP

Behind Fire Station 8
33269 Old Woman Springs Rd.

Call to verify, 909.382.5401

3rd Saturday of the month, 9-12

ABOP facilities accept the following household items only:

  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries (automotive and household)
  • Oil & Oil Filters
  • Paint (latex only)


112 Robuffa Street, Needles, CA 92363 

call 1.800.OILY.CAT (645.9228) to verify dates and hours

Also accepts e-waste & sharps


1430 S. Cucamonga Ave, Ontario, CA 91761

Fri & Sat, 9–2

Also accepts e-waste & sharps

Rancho Cucamonga

8794 Lion St, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Sat, 8–12

Also accepts e-waste

No sharps


500 Kansas St at Park Ave, Redlands, CA 92374

Sat, 9-2

Also accepts e-waste & sharps


246 South Willow Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376

2nd & 4th Fri & Sat, 8–12

Also accepts sharps

No e-waste

San Bernardino

2824 East “W” Street, Bldg. 302,
San Bernardino, CA 92408


Mon–Fri, 9–4

Also accepts e-waste & sharps


83732 Trona Road, Trona, CA 93562

2nd Sat in Mar, Jun, and Dec, 8–12 (call for Sept)

Also accepts e-waste & sharps


1370 North Benson, Upland, CA 91786

Sat 7:30am-12:30pm

Also accepts e-waste and sharps


14889 Loves Lane, Victorville, CA 92392

Wed & Sun, 9–4

Also accepts e-waste & sharps

Four Household Hazardous Waste Tips for Your Home

Follow these four steps to protect you and your family’s health and environment.

Always  dispose of leftover hazardous products properly at a San Bernardino County Household Hazardous Waste Collection site in your community.


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