California is one of only 10 states with a beverage container deposit refund system. We encourage you to use it!
Every time you purchase an eligible beverage container from a retailer in California, you pay a nickel or dime deposit on that container. The California Redemption Value, or CRV, is the deposit return system that allows you to return those empty bottles and cans to a recycling location to get back the deposit you paid.
Glass, aluminum, bimetal and plastic containers including:
You may bring up to 100 pounds of aluminum and plastic or 1,000 pounds of glass on a single visit to a Recycling Center. If you have less than 50 containers of one type, your refund will be a nickel or dime (depending on size) for each container. If you bring more than 50 containers of a particular type, your containers are weighed and converted for refund value.
To find a certified Recycling Center near you, use the searchable Beverage Container Recycling Centers database from CalRecycle below.
If you can’t find a nearby Recycling Center, try searching for retailers that redeem in-store. Thousands of grocery stores and other retailers statewide have pledged to accept empty beverage containers and provide deposit refunds. If your store is not included ask about their plans to redeem containers. Some stores have elected to pay a $100 daily fee to become exempt.